To help young men build a relationship with Christ through training in military principles then relating them to Godly values.

There are too many young men lacking confidence and fortitude.  We want to help them discover their God-given heart of worship and realize they have a purpose .  

Join Us!


​1316 Shafter Rd

​Bakersfield, Ca 93313

Ph (661) 301-2230.

Our Values

    ​November 9th Final Parade Practice 

    November 11th Veterans Day Parade

After boot camp he will join the unit and attend special events over the next 10 months. This includes camping trips and marching in Parades. (fees may apply)

Our Mission

Dedication        Determination        Discipline

All of our programs are designed to help boys grow in confidence.  They begin with boot camp, which is for ALL NEW BOYS.  Next is re-enlistment after the first year. 

Monthly payments are accepted for boot camp, but all fees are due by June 1, of current year.  Register your young man today!

No matter what we're doing, we hold steadfast to three values that are supported by commitment and define who we are:

  1. Dedication
  2. Determination
  3. Discipline


Name: Christ Centered Church Bakersfield.  

Event Dates

Register your boy for boot camp (one week), which includes the uniform and a one year enlistment.  $450.00

Make a Donation

He can continue with the program year after year by paying a yearly renewal fee.